Tuesday, 24 March 2009

So my birthday was the other day, although I've delayed enjoying it till the weekend.

Still, another year has passed, and I get to take a moment to look back and think about how much older and wiser I've surely become.

I think I can chalk up "older" as a sure thing, but I'd think "wiser" has some truth to it as well.

Certainly I'm feeling more centered than I was last year at this time, and my vision of the future is a more planned out than I ever thought it would be.

And yet again the last year has driven home the point that you learn very little from the good things in life, but the unpleasant parts can be ruthlessly educational.

1 comment:

Zack said...

Someone (A writer, I believe) once said, "I wish nothing but hardship upon my friends."

Sometimes we all need a bit of tempering...